Publicações FAST

Exploring the Application and Future Development of Footprint Calculators in the Tourism Industry

Resumo:Considering the role of tourism in promoting sustainable practices in destinations, this study aims to map the scientific literature on footprint calculators in the last three years (2020–2023) with a focus on the tourism context. The method adopted is a scoping review with a qualitative and exploratory approach, using the Scopus database. The originality of this research lies in the study of publications related to footprint calculators with a focus on the tourism sector. Based on the analysis carried out, the main results show that the study of footprint calculators applied to the tourism sector has had little prominence in the indexed research in the Scopus database during the specific period considered for this study. Consequently, the conclusion of the study highlights the marginality of the tourism sector in the discussion of footprint calculators in the last 3 years of scientific publications.

  • Tipo de documento

    Publicações FAST

  • Tema

    sustainable development; sustainable tourism; environmental impact; footprint calculator; carbon footprint; social footprint; water footprint; scoping review

  • Autor

    Giovana Almeida, Alexandra Lavaredas, Paulo Almeida

  • Ano
